Culgaith Parish


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CULGAITH PARISH COUNCIL (see documents to download here)


Culgaith Parish Council serves the villages of Blencarn, Culgaith, Skirwith, and the hamlet of Kirkland.  The Parish Council gives views on planning applications and other community initiatives, awards grants to local communities and manages 5 village greens totalling 14 acres.

Westmorland and Furness Council reports (from Councillor Michael Hanley)

Parish Clerk
John Fleming
Fell View,
CA10 1TX
Tel 07768 468 634

The Council meets every two months at 7.30 pm and the meetings rotate amongst the village halls in the three main villages:

Dates and Venues of Future Meetings in 2024/2025

  • Monday 13th May 2024 - Culgaith Victoria Institute
  • (Annual Parish Meeting/AGM/May meeting)
  • Monday 1st July 2024 - Skirwith Village Hall
  • Monday 2nd September 2024 - Blencarn Village Hall
  • Monday 4th November 2024 - Culgaith Victoria Institute
  • Monday 13th January 2025 - Skirwith Village Hall

Parishioner Concerns

Should any Parishioners have any issues, suggestions or concerns relating to the Parish please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk on 07768 468 634 or or speak directly with one of the Councillors, their contact details are below. There is always the opportunity for you to speak at a meeting under 'Public Participation' Agendas are posted on the village notice boards and on

Agendas are posted on the village notice boards.

The parish is divided into three electoral wards of Culgaith, Blencarn, and Kirkland & Skirwith.

Click here to find further details of your councillors.

What do Parish Councils do?
Parish Councils operate with the aim of improving the quality of life and the local environment for all residents. They are elected every four years from people living in, or just outside the Parish, or having business interests there. They are required under the Local Government Act 1972 and other statutes to perform certain duties and have powers which they can exercise at their discretion.

    In general a Parish Council will:

  • give views, on behalf of the community, on planning applications and other proposals that affect the parish
  • decide where money should be raised and spent for the benefit of the community
  • undertake projects and schemes that benefit local residents
  • work in partnership with other bodies to achieve benefits for the parish
  • alert relevant authorities to problems that arise or work that needs to be undertaken
  • help the other tiers of local government keep in touch with their local communities.
The Quality Parish Scheme was launched by the Government in 2003 with the aim of providing a benchmark minimum standard for parish councils across the country. To become accredited a Parish Council must meet 10 different criteria. In 2008 Culgaith Parish Council agreed to work towards meeting these criteria with the aim of seeking Quality Parish Status after the next election in 2011. More information about Parish Councils can be found on the Cumbria Association of Local Councils website at


Below you will find various Council documents that you can download. They are all in pdf format

Click the iconget Adobe Readerto obtain latest Adobe reader if required. (to read pdf files)

Data Protection -

Data Protection Policy May 2018
GDPR Privacy Notice_public May 2018 Web
GDPR Privacy Notice_staff & councillors May 2018 Web

Audit documents -

AGAR P4 nternal Audit Report Signed 23
AGAR P3 Cert of Exemption 23
AGAR P5 Governance Statement 23
AGAR P6 Accounting Statement 23 Signed
Asset Register May 2023
CPC Audited Account 22 23 Signed. With Bank Reconciliation
Explanation-of-variances-pro-forma-2022-23 (2)
Public Notice to View Accounts

AGAR 2021 2022 Accounting Statements Signed P 6
AGAR 2021 2022 Annual Governance Statement Signed P 5
AGAR 2021 2022 Cert of Exemption Signed P 3
AGAR 2021 2022 Internal Audit Report Signed P 4
Account 2021 2022 Signed. With Bank Reconciliation
Asset Register May 2022
CPC Public Notice to view accounts

Asset Register May 2021-1
CPC Account AUDITED 2020 - 21 signed
CPC Public Rights Notice
3 AGAR Cert of Exemption 20 - 21 Signed
4 AGAR Internal Audit Report 20 - 21 signed .pdf
5 AGAR Annual Governance statment 20 - 21 signed
6 AGAR Accounting Statement 20 - 21 signed

AGAR 2019 20 Accounting Statements Signed
AGAR 2019 20 Annual Governance Statement Signed
AGAR 2019 20 Annual Internal Audit Report Signed
AGAR 2019 20 Receipts and Payments Account Bank Reconciliation
AGAR 2020 Certificate of Exemption Signed
Asset Register April 2020
CPC Account 2019 2020 Payment Variances audit
Public Rights Confirmation 2019 20 Notice Board eb

Accounting statement
CPC Annual Audit Report
CPC Annual Governance Statement
Accounting Statement Section 2
CPC Account and Balance Sheet
CPC Confirmation Date Excercise
CPC Certificate of Exemption
Notice of Public Rights and Publication Accounts

CPC Public Notice View Accounts
Accounting Statement
Annual Governance Statement
Certificate of Exemption
Explanation of Variances
Internal Audit Report

Special Documents -

Map of Parish Council boundary
Skirwith Conservation Area Review Leaflet HOW TO OBJECT to a planning application
Grants Policy 2016
Dog Control Leaflet
land and Asset Register 2017
Bank Reconcilliation 31 March 2016 Complete
Expenditure exceeding £100 for 2015 16
Internal Audited Receipts, Payments and Capital Reconcilliation 2016 - 2017
Signed Internal Audit Report
Notice of Electors rights - Accounts yr end 2016
Annual Governance Statement 2015-16.pdf

Policy Statements -

  1. Enquiries from the Public_Adopted 3rd July 23
  2. Code of conduct
  3. Culgaith Financial Regulations
  4. Culgaith Standing Orders
  5. Culgaith Code of Practice for Handling Complaints
  6. Model Publication Scheme
  7. Culgaith Model Publication Scheme

County Council Reports
June 2019

Parish Annual Report
Annual Report 2021 -2022
Annual Report 2019- 2021
Annual Report 2018 - 2019
Annual Report for 2017/18
Annual Report for 2016/17
Annual Report for 2015/16
Annual Report for 2014/15
Annual Report for 2013/14
Annual Report for 2012/13
Annual Report for 2010/11
Annual Report for 2009/10
Annual Report for 2008/9
Annual Report for 2007/8

Parish Action Plan:
The Parish Plan for period 2013 - 2017

Annual Parish Meeting:
Annual Parish Meeting Minutes May 13th 2019
Annual Parish Meeting Minutes 14th May 2018
Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting 2017
Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting 2016
Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting 2015
Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting 2014
Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting 2013
Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting 2012
Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting 2011
Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting 2010
Minutes for the Annual Parish Meeting 2009

Agendas for meetings:

Notice of Meeting 1st July 24
Notice of Meeting 13th May 2024
Notice of AGM 13th May 2024
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 2024
Notice of Meeting 4th March 2024
Notice of Meeting 8th January 24
Notice of Meeting 6th Nov 2023
Notice of Meeting 3rd July 2023
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 2023
Notice of AGM May 2023
Notice of Meeting 15th May 2023
Notice of Meeting 6th March 2023
Notice of Meeting 9th January 23
Notice of Meeting 7th November 22
Notice of Meeting September 5th 2022
Notice of Meeting July 4th 2022
Notice of meeting16th May 2022 Final
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 2022
AGM Agenda 16th May 2022
Notice of Meeting 7th March 2022
Notice of Extrordinary Meeting 19th January 2022
Notice of Meeting 1st November 2021
Notice of Meeting 6th September 2021
Notice of Meeting 5th July 2021
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 2021
AGM Agenda 17th May 2021
Notice of meeting17th May 2021
Notice of Meeting 1st March 2021
Notice of Meeting 4th January 2021
Notice of Meeting 2nd November 2020
Notice of Meeting 7th September 2020
Notice of Meeting 6th July 2020
Notice of Meeting 11th May 2020
Agenda 2nd March 2020.Final
Agenda 6th Jan 2020
Agenda 4th November 2019
Agenda 1st July 2019
Agenda 13th May 2019
AGM Agenda 2019
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 2019
Agenda 4th March 2019
Agenda 7th January 2019
Agenda 5th November 2018
Agenda 3rd September 2018
Agenda 2nd July 2018
Agenda 14th May 2018
AGM Agenda 2018
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 2018
Agenda 5th March 2018
Agenda 8th January 2018
Agenda 6th November 2017
Agenda 4th September 2017
Agenda 3 July 2017
Agenda AGM May 2017
Agenda 8th May 2017
Annual Parish Meeting Agenda 2017
Agenda Jan 9th 2017
Agenda Jan 9th 2017

Minutes of meetings:

Minutes 4th March 2024 Final
Minute 8th January 24
Minute 6th November 23
Minute 4th Sept 23
Minute 3rd July 23
Minute 15th May 23
Minute 6th March 23
Minute 9th January 2023
Minute 7th November 2022
Minute 5th Set 2022
Minute 4th July 2022
Minute 16th May2022
Minute 7th March 22
Minute Extraordinary Meeting 19 January 2022
Minute 1st November 2021
Minute 6th Sept 2021
Annual Parish Meeting Minutes May 17th May 2021
Minute 5th July 2021
Minute AGM 17th May 2021
Minute 17th May Meeting 2021
Minute 1st March 2021
Minutes 4th January 2021
Minutes 2nd November 2020
Minute 7th September 2020
Minute 6th July 2020
Minute11th May 2020
Minute 2nd March 2020
Minute 6th January 2020
Minute 4th November 2019
Minute 2nd September 2019
Minute 1st July 2019
Minute AGM 13th May 2019
Minute 13th May meeting 2019
Minute 4th March 2019
Minute 7th January 2019
Minute 2nd July 2018
Minute 14th May 2018
Minutes AGM May 2018
Minute 5th March 2018
Minute 8th January 2018
Minute 6th November 2017
Minute 4th September 2017
Minute 3rd July 2017
Minute AGM 8th May 2017
Minute 8th May 2017
Minute 6th March 2017
Minutes January 9th 2017
Minutes November 7th 2016
Minutes September 2016
Minutes July 2016
AGM 2016
AGM 2015
Minutes May 2016
Minutes March 2016
Minutes Jan 2016
Minutes Nov 2015
Minutes Sept 2015
Minutes July 2015
Minutes May 2015
Minutes March 2015
Minutes January 2015

A full set of minutes from the Parish council meetings can be found here